Bake like a Pro: Make ‘Lip smacking’ cake with science

If you look at a cake, it can be made with just five ingredients – self raising flour, sugar, butter/oil, egg and your favorite flavor. But to dish out a lip smacking dessert, you need to be an expert. Expertise means having the know how about how each ingredient would behave, what’s the ratio to be used, how quantity can be altered without losing cakes softness and texture etc.….. If you ask a chef….they will say it can only be gained by experience.
But then here I differ….Making a cake is all about science…precisely speaking…chemistry. Let me detail out the chemistry behind making a cake, so that you could bake like a pro from your first attempt.
It’s said, If cooking is an Art, Baking is Science
Let’s start with the Flour
First lesson don’t mix up flours
Maida or white flour is similar to cake flour sold in the United States . Like cake flour, white flour is finely milled. It has less protein than all purpose flour. White flour is produced from soft wheat and is low in gluten content (8-10%).
All purpose flour is different from white flour. It is made from a mixture of hard and soft wheat. It has a gluten content of 9-12%. This can be used to make both cakes and breads. However cakes won’t be very soft.
Self-raising flour is a mix of all purpose flour, raising agent, and salt. The most commonly used raising agent is baking powder, but some brands also use bicarbonate of soda. Self-raising flour is many a times used as a short cut in baking (no need to add soda), or by vegans who do not eat eggs, as the extra raising agent in the flour mimics the role of egg..
Note: Weighing is the only accurate way to measure flour, as flour amount would vary depending on how tightly flour is packed into a measuring cup
Cake becomes dense and fails to rise….understand Gluten
Flours are mainly made up of starch and protein. When water is added to the flour, chemistry develops between them…. proteins glutenin and gliadin combine and form gluten. Stirring, kneading, folding, and mixing causes gluten to stretch and organize itself into a network. Overmixing the cake batter, leads to thick, cohesive and elastic gluten resulting in a more dense, chewy texture. This is beneficial in case of cookies, but it harms the cake.
Note: Overmixing the cake batter, leads to thick, cohesive and elastic gluten resulting in a more dense, tough texture.
Fluff up your Batter with Butter and Oil
Butter and Oil- together as Fat, perform two main roles in cake making.
Fats help in trapping air during beating and mixing. It helps in producing a batter with lots of tiny air bubbles trapped within droplets of fat. Sugar adds more air pockets, and leavening agents like baking soda and baking powder expand those pockets, providing baked goods with their signature texture. This is very important in cake baking. It is these air bubbles that expand during baking forming a light, airy structure.
Fats weakens glutens: Fats coat gluten proteins and prevent them from forming long, strong strands. Because it shortens gluten, fats are called as ‘Shortening ‘agents.
Note: Fats are called as ‘Shortening ‘agents because they shortens gluten
Note: Fats are called as ‘Shortening ‘agents because they shortens gluten
Sugar: it’s just not a sweetening agent…
Sugar has many functions in addition to adding sweetness to cakes. The amount of sugar must balance out with, proteins, and starches from flour. But if that balance is altered and more or less sugar is added, then the result could either be so tender that it lacks the structure to hold its shape, or it could be in good shape but too tough.
Sugar undergoes a series of complex browning reactions above 160deg C, and the products of these form the brown crunchy crust of the cake. The reactions are known as Maillard reactions.
Sugar also helps in making the cake moist. The interaction between sugar and water allows sugar to lock in moisture inside the cake.
Note: If the sugar added is more or less, it makes the cake too soft or rock hard
Which one to use….Baking Soda or Baking powder ?
Baking powder and baking soda are both leavening agents, yet they are chemically different. Baking powder contains cream of tartar. Baking powder is part baking soda plus tartaric acid. It’s used in baking when dry ingredients have more sweet components. Most baking powders are labeled ‘double-acting’ meaning they release a small amount of carbon dioxide gas when they are stirred into the batter and release a majority of gas when triggered by the heat of the oven.
Whereas, baking soda does not contain acid, It’s just plain sodium bicarbonate. It is used when the sour cream, buttermilk, orange juice etc are added to the batter. The acids from orange juice, sour cream mix with the sodium bicarbonate to create carbon dioxide and thus leaven the product. Baking soda is more stronger than baking powder. Add just enough baking soda so that it will completely react with the amount of acid in the recipe. Too much baking soda and not enough acid means there will be leftover baking soda in the recipe. It gives a metallic, soapy taste to the cake.
Note: Baking powder has an acid. Baking soda need an acid…..simple
Eggs provide structure, leavening, richness, color, and flavor to cakes
Beaten egg white functions like baking powder – give the dough a light, airy texture. This is achieved because egg white (albumin) contains lecithin. This protein lines the outside of the air bubbles created when the egg is beaten up and so prevents them from collapsing during baking. To help stabilize whites even further, add acidic elements, like cream of tartar and lemon juice. In unbeaten whole eggs the lecithin acts as a binder, holding the cake together. In addition eggs can be used as emulsifiers, moisture source (instead of simply adding water). When egg is used as a glaze it also acts as a source of protein for the Maillard reaction.
Note: Egg yolks contain fat, as well as lecithin, an emulsifier that allows fats and water to mix smoothly and ensures even texture.
Use the Right Bakeware
For baking one should not use any bakeware. Casserole pans, baking sheets, and muffin tins – all perform in very distinct ways. Glassware and metal baking dishes give different outcomes because they have different properties. Choose the bakeware based on recipe and temperature needs.
Note: Bake the cake in the middle of the oven – too close to the top or bottom can cause overbrowning.
If you have read till the end of the post, you can start with Baking. Head to your kitchen, pick up your ingredients, set your oven….Enjoy Baking!
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I’m a keen basket and name quite decent called. But reading this as a lot of sense. In fact I never knew APF and maida are different things. Thanks again for this informative share. Loved reading it
Whenever I bake a cake (once in a blue moon) taking out Mom’s recipe book, I get to hear almost all of this from Mom. From measuring to weighing to mixing to preheating to cooling. Seriously, all these are so important while baking, but one only realizes after some failed attempts.
Love how you have shared some informative facts with each step. This baking powder and baking soda confusion always prevails in my mind. Wonderful recipe.
Perfect explanation for the science behind baking. Loved reading it
Sharing this recipe with my wife. We will try your recipe this weekend.
Nice one and as you said, baking is Science!!
very interesting tips… Baking is truly science
this is so informative. I have always been fascinated with baking but being a no measure friendly cook i was always a mess. I understand its a science and the key is only measurement!
As a baking newbie this is hugely helpful. Found some answers like the difference between Baking Soda vs Baking Powder as also between Maida and self-rasing flour. I used to depend on microwave cakes but now want to try it the proper way in an OTG. And I’ve been struggling to get it right.
Not into cooking (or baking) at all, but I know many who love to bake, and would agree with your science! 🙂
Hey I am so glad I found your blog. You have demystified so many concepts and of answered many of my queries and doubts . Will definitely be your ardent follower
Thank you so much. Happy to know that you liked my blog.
What? No recipe? I was ready to start stirring batter.
Thanks for the chemistry lesson. It all makes sense.
I’m hungry now.
Totally agree with you on the measuring bit, baking is truly a science. this is like a gold mine for beginners
I love the name of your blog
Quite innovative
Woah! I love this, Hena!
I love baking but never put a thought into the why of the ingredients used! Thanks for sharing this knowledge in such a simple way.
Really it looks interesting to read baking cake with science. You have expressed it very nicely. Happy to connect with for #MyFriendAlexa !!!!
Wow! Didn’t know there was so much of science behind baking a cake! One question – Many recipes ask me to add baking soda, baking powder and egg! So what should I do scientifically, especially if I have run out of one ingredient 😛
I personally am not a fan of baking soda as I feel it gives a bad taste. baking powder alone will do. Instead of egg, you can try with milkmade or amulmate
thanks, will try it out
That’s really great that not only you shared a recipe of cake with us but you also know why these products are using and science behind it. You are genius mama. I always get confused with baking powder and baking soda. But now I am clear. Thanks for sharing this valuable information
Thank you Minakshi. Happy to know that my post was helpful to you
Thank you for this post. I am an amateur at baking. Will keep these points in mind next time 🙂
i have never read about baking in a scientific manner before. Thanks for this post, now I know so much about baking. I will be carewful about all the points you have shared. Love your blog .
I have found my newest favourite blog!! Loved the name, theme and overall feel of it. How unique and informative!!
Thank you Samarpita. Happy to know that you liked my blog
That was a superb run down on baking 101. I love to bake and bake fairly well, but now I can actually understand the omg and perhaps create some recipes
That is some useful and detailed information, Hena. No wonder they say baking is an art and why measurements and ingredients are not interchangeable. Some of this stuff was new to me too.
As always one of your best informative post !! keep it up Hena
A nicely curated post. I’m a foodie and love cooking too. Your post is like a hand holding lesson for the first timer. I appreciate your genuine effort in curating this post. Thanks for sharing the info!!
Thank you. I too am a baker…so have gone through most of the mistakes myself
I too visited your blog. Appreciation from a foodie means a lot
Very informative post. Maybe I am able to crack this science for once correctly. Baking Soda & Baking Powder always had me confused.
This is a great post to refer to if one wants to bake for the first time. Though I bake rarely but would apply your baking wisdom whenever I have chance to. You might be interested in reading:
you are bang on when you say that the correct way to measuring quantities while baking a cake is to weigh them. Loved you post from the start through the end. Thanks for providing a scientific explanation behind behaviour of all the ingredients on the final texture of the cake.
Happy to know that you liked my post
Perfectly put! Can’t wait to get baking and fill the house with that sweet aroma!
This is such a brilliant post – true to your blog’s name. I make my own self-raising flour for my baking. Happy Alexa season.
I have visited your blog. You have some good recipes.
I do not know cooking nor baking So this post is going to help me a lot!
Thanks for sharing this beautiful info behind baking and flours.
Hi! I agree when you say – Baking is Science. For me, it has always been about the measures and proportions. Cooking, you can get away with a few blunders here and there and call it a masterpiece like Modern Art ;). But, Baking is accurate science. No two ways about it. Creativity element is there but it is essentially science all the I am not a big fan of Baking Soda either and I´m a huge fan of eggs. I find it hard to appreciate baked items without eggs….they add richness, density and flavour as you rightly said. Interesting blog..glad to stumble upon it. Cheers!
From your words I can make it out that you are a good baker. As you said precision matters a lot in baking.
Hi Hena! My mum bakes the traditional XMas cake and I got into baking because of her. Yes, I like baking…cakes and cookies…so I know how important proportions are…and you have pointed out very correctly what can go wrong with each ingredient…from sugar to the type of baking dish used. I really enjoyed this post and could relate to it a lot. 🙂
Thank you
Making a cake is all about precision…from the ingredients to the measurements, equipment and techniques. Thanks for sharing these great tips.
Great logic. After this post, I really believe that baking is science.
Wow loved it . I have never prepared any cake . I would love to try it out . Thanks for sharing
What an interesting break down of the science behind baking! Explains why my cakes generally sink in the middle or turn out crumbly.
Excellent most .Loved the interesting way of explaining thescience behingd baking .Its definitely all about chemistry.
Thank you. Happy to know that you liked my post
I never baked in my life but when my son completed 7 months and I wanted to provide him with some home made teething biscuits I turned to google to learn the basics of baking. I have baked quite a lot since then mostly cookies but every time the result was different even if I was following the same recipe. Now after reading your post I get to know the science behind baking and am very thankful to you as this is going to help me a lot now. Keep sharing such awesome posts!
Happy to know that my post helped you
A superb read… I always was confused between baking soda and powder.. an amazing explanation
Thank you Sabeeka
Great tips! I always find baking easier. Just do perfect measures and you are all set!
This is superbly informative and an eye opener for not only home cooks and chefs but for others also. Thanks for this one.
I loved reading this. Baking and all cooking in fact is a science and I love the precision of it. At one point of time in my life i was obsessed with baking and I realise now it was my need to bring some order and precision in my life. I really do enjoy the meticulousness of baking. I havent baked in a long time.. I must do it soon.
Happy to know that you are restarting your old passion
I have baked a lot of cakes during my hotel management graduation days. And have heard and learn about these points. However you know how a mommy brain works at times. You just got all those memories of baking back. I guess I need to get my hands back on baking some cake soon
Very useful information. I am not a baking person, always scared of measurements…. On thw other note, your blog’s title is fun and unique.
This is a fun to read learning kind of post Hena, I love the way you explained and after reading the things which I had no clue about – my eyes went pop. cake baking is an art I always thought and being a dud in art I could never back a decent cake. Now that you have mentioned it as science let me give another shot 😉
Happy to know that you will try baking now
This is good information for beginners. I learnt some new things.
I was never into baking, but your article made it very interesting for me 🙂
I am a vegetarian and so all my cakes are eggless.. i just used baking soda and baking powder.. loved your post
That’s quite an informative post and at the end of it, I can surely vouch for what you mentioned earlier that “Baking is a science” :D.
Love to bake and if it is scientific then why not involve my kids :))
Wow! Never realized that so much science went into baking. It indeed is a science.
Never know that all these things go behind I’m making of mouthfull cakes. Thanks for sharing.
I love baking! This article is absolutely helpful to make delicious fluffy cakes! <3
Wow, such detailed science around baking. Pretty profound for the “chemistry” challenged me. But wow, kudos to your knowledge.
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very useful info. thanks for sharing
Who knew science can even help in baking
I love baking cakes but lately they are not much spongy..let’s see if these tips make them like before
And this explains why I can not bake 😉
I can not follow a recipe or process in kitchen .. there has to be a scope for me to be free
I really appreciate your skilled approach. These square measure items of terribly helpful data which will be of nice use on behalf of me in future.