Things you didn’t know were making you Fat

Are you one among those who has decided to lose weight by cutting down on Burgers, Cakes, Chocolates and Sugars. Even after quitting all junks are you still battling weight issue. It turns out that it may not be only your appetite that need to be blamed for your increased waistline.
Though changes in the way we eat and physical activity levels are the primary factors behind weight increase, other aspects of our lifestyle can also make a contribution.
Pay attention to these points and gain back your fit and healthy body
Are you not sleeping enough
Research suggests that sleepless nights don’t just make you moody the next day—they could also damage your waistline.
Sleep loss could lead to weight gain, says sleep disorder specialist Michael Breus. When we get too little sleep, our metabolism slows down to conserve energy. That slowdown triggers the release of the hormone cortisol, which increases appetite.You head straight to kitchen in search of more food.
Sleep loss also causes our bodies to release more another hormone that signals hunger, ghrelin, and less leptin, the hormone that tells your stomach that it’s full. As a result body signals for more food and lacks the sensitivity to know when to stop eating. Also being awake more hours gives you more time to snack.
Are you always in Fight or Flight mood
We eat mostly when we feel hungry, but we also get into eating when we are stressed, angry, bored, depressed, frustrated, busy, not busy enough….the list is endless.
“More stress = more cortisol = higher appetite for junk food = more belly fat,” says Shawn M. Talbott, PhD, a nutritional biochemist.
What happens under your skull plays a vital role in what happens under your belt. Stress may actually be the eating trigger that causes the most trouble. So the best way to tackle it is to always keep your good hormone level up. This will provide a steady state of satisfaction so that one will never experience those huge hormonal highs and lows that make one to search for good-for-your-brain, bad-for-your-waist foods.
Don’t be too harsh on yourself
Research shows that constant dieting can make cortisol levels to rise as much as 18%. In addition, when cortisol levels spike, blood sugar goes haywire, first rising, then dropping. This makes a person cranky and starved. When brain is deprived of sugar, self-control takes a nosedive, and willpower doesn’t stand a chance and end up eating more. When hormones are misfiring, we gain weight even when we eat less, because hormones control virtually all aspects of fat loss.
Antibiotics need not be always good
Excess usage of antibiotics not only leads to rise of superbugs, but also can lead to obesity. The association and possible causal relationship between early-life antibiotic exposure and the development of overweight and obesity raise concerns. Children with antibiotic exposure had a 1.2 percent absolute and 25 percent relative increase in the risk of early childhood obesity. Risk is strongest when considering repeat exposures to antibiotics, particularly with three or more courses. This is definitely not a new information. Animal breeders have been using antibiotics to increase the animal’s weight.
Are you Addicted to Air conditioner
With climate around us soaring, it has become difficult to live without an air conditioner. But seldom do we actually think that it can have effects that are harmful to us. That means with temperature set to a fixed number, we live in a thermoneutral zone. What this means is that we get used to living at a temperature where there is no need for our body to regulate its temperature. The negative side of this is that our body will not have to spend more energy to maintain temperature and as a result more energy will be converted to fat and would be stored.
Learn about Toxic Food Landscape
Have you heard of Obesogens. Obesogens are foreign chemical compounds that can disrupt the normal function of the body and cause fat gain. They are found in various food containers, baby bottles, toys, plastics, cookware and cosmetics. These chemicals alter homeostatic metabolic set-points, disrupt appetite controls, perturb lipid homeostasis to promote adipocyte hypertrophy, or stimulate adipogenic pathways that enhance adipocyte hyperplasia during development or in adults.. There are between fifteen and twenty chemicals that have been shown to cause weight gain, mostly from developmental exposure. The most common and potent one includes:
BPA, a synthetic estrogen used to harden plastics. BPA is found in plastic bottles and the lining of most canned foods. Laboratory research has found BPA accelerates fat-cell differentiation and causes insulin resistance.
Perfluorooctanic Acid (PFOA) is found mainly in non-stick (Teflon) pots and pans. PFOA is also found in microwave popcorn bags and the packaging of other microwavable foods. Animal studies have shown that early exposure to the chemical leads to obesity in later life. Buy pans that are not made from Teflon or non-stick coatings, and are labeled PFOA-free.
Babies born to mothers who smoked throughout their pregnancy are at increased risk of premature birth and obesity as they grow.
The additives that make food more tasty
Researchers have evidence to show that emulsifiers, found in most processed foods, are linked to obesity, diabetes and inflammatory bowel disorders. Emulsifiers are normally used to improve a food’s texture and to prevent mixtures from separating, particularly in ice cream. Carboxymethycellulose and polysorbate-80, are frequently added to processed foods and can even alter the gut microbiota composition and localization to induce intestinal inflammation that promotes the development of inflammatory bowel disease and metabolic syndrome.
There is ample evidence indicating that a healthy diet comprised of mainly unprocessed, natural foods is good for us. It is always a better idea to follow natural food diet as often as possible, which will automatically decrease the amount of food additives that we consume.
So now you all can make the necessary corrections to your weight lose program and start again. Hope you reach your desired size at the earliest. Finally stay close to nature as much as possible to stay healthy and fit.
Well explained!
Nice informative post. But how can I leave ice cream?
You can opt for home made
This was an informative. Got to know some really different points which are not on google.
Quite informative post. And indeed a need of hour.
This is a must read post about fatty food. I actually didn’t know about many of them
Useful and informative post , well written & explained 🙂
I think my loss of sleep is why I am gaining weight! 🙁 nice info!
This post is help me a lot.
Very informative and helpful post. Well written…
Nice, informative well written post Hena.
every point is so so true…a healthy lifestyle with less stress and adequate sleep helps in maintaining weight quite true
This is such an informative post. I never never many of these.
You have explained everything so beautifully…
The cortisol part really hit home. Stress is so bad.
Alyssa Thank you
Great info here. I definitely know that bad sleeping habits can cause obesity. And I always try to stay away from any chemicals in food and cosmetics. It’s the stress that’s so hard to avoid for me. I’m a natural worrier so that’s what I’m trying to work on now. Thanks.
Kasia, happy you found my piece of writing useful. Stress is something everone is waging war with
Very nice and informative
This was super insightful and well explained
Super informative and well explained
great post!
I am astonished because two of them fit well in my case. Lately I’ve reduced my sleeping hours and acquired weight gain! Also any kinda pressure makes me hungry this was really helpful ♥️
Happy to know that this information helped you
Informative…..half of my food is troubling I guess… Its tym fr me to check on my diet…..
Cakes ice cream are my favorite but your post not allowed me to have my favorite things ha ha ha will try to follow … Got to know some new
such a useful post…. thanks for sharing 🙂