Black Garlic: Garlic Just Got Better

Black Garlic
Fresh white garlic changes its white color to black by undergoing fermentation process in a temperature and humidity controlled room for one month. Image

Black garlic  – You read it correct.  This aged version of garlic has twice the antioxidants of regular garlic. Black garlic exhibits several advantages, when compared to fresh garlic. The taste of black garlic has been compared to that of a dried fruit.

Black garlic  is simply fresh garlic  that has been fermented for a period of time at a high temperature under high humidity. No additives, preservatives, or burning is involved in making it. The process turns garlic cloves dark, gives them a sweet taste, and alters their consistency to chewy and jelly-like.


Black Garlic has long been consumed in South Korea, Japan, and Thailand for centuries, and was introduced around 10 years ago into other countries

Compared to fresh garlic, Black Garlic does not release an awful flavor. This is because allicin gets converted into antioxidant compounds such as bioactive alkaloids and flavonoid compounds during the aging process.

Fresh white garlic changes its white color to black by undergoing fermentation process in a temperature and humidity controlled room for one month.

Why should we eat Black garlic:

Black Garlic Has More Than Double the Powerful S-Allyl-Cysteine (SAC), an Antioxidant compared to raw garlic. Black garlic contains vitamin C and B6, manganese and selenium. Black Garlic contains 18 Amino Acids, which are very important for our body.  Research have found that extracts found in black garlic are able to inhibit the growth of certain cancers such as stomach and colon, by triggering their natural destruct mechanism known as apoptosis.

1 – Decreases cholesterol rate

2 – Regulates sugar in blood

3 – Protects the liver

4 – Prevents hypertension

5 – Fights fatigue

6– Delays the aging process

7– Strengthens body immunity

8 – Improves insomnia

9 – Stops constipation

10 –Cancer prevention

How to use Black Garlic

Ideal for sauces and spreads. Slice or chop and add to rice or risotto, sautéd vegetables, dips, stir-fry, soup, pasta sauce. or sprinkle on pizza or salads. Add black garlic to cream cheese and yogurt, give it a mix, add salt, pepper or add other seasonings for a creamy dressing or dip.

Black Garlic: How to Make it at Home

You can make it at home with ease. Provide moderate heat and month long time to convert fresh head of garlic into creamy black garlic.

How to Make Black Garlic at Home

All you need is a simple Rice Cooker

  1. Put the Garlic in the Rice Cooker and close the lid
  2. Plug the Rice Cooker. “Keep warm” light should be on. “Rice cooking” should be off.
  3. Just to remember when you started your black garlic, write down the date on a piece of tape and put it on the cover of rice cooker
  4. Now wait for 3 weeks…. 21 full days (Do not open the lid in between).

You can even purchase a Black garlic fermenting machine to make black garlic or buy from Online stores. 

Try out Black Garlic Recipes:

Creamy Cheese and Black Garlic Dip


  • 1 tub of cream cheese
  • 1 small pot of soured cream
  • Half to one tablespoon of creamed horseradish (according to taste)
  • 2 cloves of peeled black garlic – chopped
  • 3 tablespoons of fresh chives – snipped
  • Salt and black pepper


Place all the ingredients with the exception of the creamed horseradish and snipped chives, into a food processor. Process until smooth. Season to taste with salt and black pepper. Add the creamed horseradish according to taste. Stir in the snipped chives.

Raw vegetable salad with black garlic dressing

4 cloves black garlic, finely sliced
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Favorite Veggies

Place the black garlic in a pestle and mortar with the lemon juice, oil and salt and gently mash the cloves until the liquid has turned into a dark brown color. Finely slice the veggies. Place them in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Serve the salad in large bowls.

So all Health lovers and Chefs…. get your ‘Black Garlic’…..

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30 Responses

  1. That’s a amazing article Hena never knew abt this

  2. Seema Wadhwa says:

    Made me feel so naive. I had no clue about Black Garlic. Forget alone its benefits.

    Definitely trying the black garlic dip

  3. What an interesting post .I know how wonderful garlic is but never had it fermented and black.

  4. anupriya says:

    This is an extremely interest ingredient that you have introduced today. Thank you so much. Though I am not very inclined on making it at home for lack of patience, I definitely want to check out some dishes that use it.

  5. Alexx Bloom says:

    This is the first time that I am hearing about black garlic will do a try

  6. Jiya B says:

    usually I use to know as the garlic white colour fades. I was never aware of these benefits of black garlic. Thanks for sharing

  7. Wow! That is so informative and interesting! I’d try it out 🙂

  8. Sangeeta says:

    I didn’t even know there was something called Black Garlic. Glad to have learnt something new today.

  9. ghazala786 says:

    Nice and informative post , was not knowing it , Thanks for sharing , Your posts are always excellent 🙂

  10. zainab says:

    wow never heard about this. thanks for this awesome info.

  11. Ruchie says:

    Seriously I was dumb not knowing this …ur blog is so much informative

  12. I had no clue about something like black garlic. I will definitely try it out. 🙂

  13. Dr Bushra says:

    Black garlic contains so many health benefits never assume that looks like healthy option

  14. Sumit Sharma says:

    Black garlic, haven’t heard about all theses benefits earlier.

    Thanks for the info.

  15. Anchal says:

    I had never heard about black garlic. Such an insightful post.

  16. I never anything as such…. Just shared this with my chef hubby and he is already ready to make it.

  17. Judy says:

    Sharing it with my mom-in law as she is a diabetic person. She can put to use this.

  18. nishikch says:

    Decrease cholesterol!!!!! I like this point..gud to knw that black garlic has so many advantages…instead of taking supplements i cn take black garlic…

  19. Wow it looks amazing. I never heard about this black garlic and even never seen somewhere. And it has lot many benefits that great. Want to try this.

  20. Mrinal says:

    Black garlic looks so cool! This is so new to me.. i will try to make black garlic

  21. I didn’t know about so much benefits of black garlic. This is a useful post for me. Thank you for sharing it on your blog.

  22. worldofmakeupmagique says:

    I have never seen black garlic… this post is so informative

  23. It was a refreshing read considering it was a science-related blog, my favourite subject. I’m glad you introduced us all with Black Garlic. Since you’ve researched on the subject, I would like to share a few of my doubts –
    1. You mentioned “decreases cholesterol rate”. I didn’t quite get it. Does this mean that black garlic brings down the “current” cholesterol level in blood. OR that it reduces the rate of production of cholesterol in the body?
    2. In order to ferment the garlic at home in an electric cooker, I fear that it might go bad in between if sterile conditions are not maintained. So, how do I do that?
    3. For fermenting, should I skin the garlic or let it go in full cloves?
    4. How many cloves should be fermented at a time?

    • Thank you that you liked my post. Now let me answer your queries 1) “decreases cholesterol rate”. Elevation of blood lipids levels due to excessive fat intake stimulates SREBP-1c, the key transcription factor involved in fat metabolism, which leads to the activation of lipogenetic enzymes for triglyceride and cholesterol synthesis, as well as inhibition of lipolytic enzymes. Black garlic lowers SREBP-1C mRNA expression and reduces cholesterol synthesis. 2) Ensure your cooker is well cleaned and its essential not to open the cooker in between to avoid introduction of microbes to the cooker. 3) You could plave the cloves as is…no need to peel it. 4) You could definitely try out with 4-5 garlic pods.

  24. Rakhi Parsai says:

    As always you bring the mosts amazing and different information. Black garlic was one thing that i never knew of. Really worth reading

  25. momtasticworld says:

    I had no clue whatsoever about black garlic. This is a complete package, ingredient, its benefits, how to prepare it and last but not the least yummylicious recipes…. awesome.:)

  26. Bulbul Varma says:

    This is a great blog post with so much information! Would definitely try this !

  27. Fabulous info! I didn’t know black garlic even existed. Thanks for sharing.

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