What is Flower essence therapy?

Imagine you are under a lot of stress or feeling low or chaotic and all that you need is a drop of flower essence and swish…it vanishes. Little unbelievable, but then this is what flower essence therapy promises to do.
Dr. Bach way back in 1930 thought about emotional wellbeing and he spent his life exploring the use of flowers and plants to make possible emotional wellbeing. He believed that ingredients born from nature can provide the solution to solve our emotional wellbeing problems. He identified 38 essences that could be used alone or in combination to manage stress, get over a bad mood, stay positive, and become strong, and so on.
List of all 38 flowers and the purpose it serves towards emotional wellbeing

How do you take flower essence?
They can be taken orally, either straight from the dropper or mixed with tinctures, or added to food. You can use also use the essences in baths, steams, sprays, topically on or sprinkled on a pillow at night. A standard dosage is three to four drops, max three to four times a day.
How do you prepare flower essence?
The flower essence is prepared by exposing flower petals floating in a glass bowl filled with spring water to sunshine. The water is then filtered and preserved with brandy. Essence will not carry any flower petals.
Do flower essence therapy actually work?
People have been using them to treat anxiety, depression, stress, emotional and physical trauma, cancer, and HIV, but then there is no scientific proof to validate their effect
Is flower essence therapy the same as an essential oil?
Flower essences are water-based, made using flowers, whereas essential oils are oil-based, and made from the aromatic parts of plants. Flower essences and essential oils are very complimentary to each other.
Are there any side effects of flower essence therapy?
Since most flower essences contain little or no active ingredient, these products are not expected to have any adverse effects. But then since these products are preserved in brandy and contain alcohol, it is advisable for pregnant women and breastfeeding women not to use them.
Is flower essence therapy a part of Homeopathic treatment?
Flower essences are made exclusively from the fresh blossoms of plants, whereas homeopathic remedies can be made from a variety of plant parts, or from mineral, animal, or human substances. Unlike most homeopathic remedies, flower essences are not antidoted by substances such as camphor, or strong herbs.
So final word would be there is nothing wrong with trying out flower essence therapy. Also, it is available through online platforms to buy. Just be careful to buy from legit producers.