Sunshine Blogger Award goes to ScienceandSamosa…WoW

Sunshine Blogger Award winner, an award given by a blogger to another blogger , Oscar of Blogging world !!!. Thrilled and Ecstatic. Thank you very much Hannah Shipley of TheMessyMom for nominating me. It feels good to be recognized.
Here are the answers to 11 Questions that was asked to me:
What is the goal for your blog?
Science is always treated as a boring or dreadful subject, but science is involved in everything we do in our day to day life. My aim is to bring to my readers the science behind everything that happens around us in a simplified way. I want to reignite the curiosity in my reader.
What or who inspires you?
Who other can Inspire one, other than the Mighty Lord, who created this universe. The more I learn science, the more I adore him.
What does a day in your life look like?

Image: One Person, Many Jobs
How did you find or decide on your niche?
I always loved science. So there was no doubt on deciding my niche.
What is your favorite post that you have ever written?
I love my post Women to Motherhood : Roller coaster Ride explored…with science.
It explains in thousand words how wonderful and dynamic a women is.
What is your favorite post that another blogger has written?
Lard Legacy: Does Your Diet Doom Your Child’s Health? by scienceandfooducla. I like all their posts.
How did you decide on the name of your blog?
My kids says, I love Science and I love Samosa (an Indian snack). Probably that’s why I coined this name, which otherwise are not related.
What do you love about blogging?
Blogging help to express my thoughts and I love it
Do you have a day job as well as blogging?
I am a Budding Entrepreneur. So when I am not blogging, I am working on my new project.
If you could give any advice to new bloggers, what would it be?
Blog only if you love it. Money and Fame will follow.
Where do you see your blog in a year from now?
Would love to see my Blog helping out lot of curious minds and money to run the show
The Sunshine Blogger Award
The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to bloggers by other bloggers who are creative, positive, and inspiring. Once nominated, the blogger is required to write a post in which they:
- Thank the blogger who nominated them and link back to their blog.
- Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated them.
- Nominate 11 other blogs and give them 11 new questions to answer.
- Notify your nominees and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post.
My questions for those whom I nominated:
- Why did you start blogging?
- What do you like the best about Blogging ?
- What is your favorite post that you have ever written?
- Do you Blog for Passion or Money or Fame?
- What’s the purpose of your Blog?
- Name a person whom you would like to meet from Blogging world ?
- Name a Blog you keenly follow?
- What do you do when you are not blogging?
- What inspires you?
- What are you most looking forward to in the next few months?
- What brings sunshine into your life?
I would like to nominate following 11 Bloggers, whom I found Inspiring and Creative….Go ahead it’s your turn to feel happy
- Leah Hughes :
- Vidhi:
- Claudia Van Gee :
- Haroon:
- Audrey:
- Nicole Philip :
- Debolina Coomar:
- Toni Matthews:
- Avion Anderson:
- Chloe Cheng:
- Lisa M Leto:
Wow, thanks very much for the nod. 🙂 And I wish you the all the best with your entrepreneurship project.
Love the website! What a great way to share the love! I will be sharing this blog with many of my lady friends! Keep up the great work. Genuinely enjoyed navigating around this site.
Thank you so much