Ready to try ‘imitation meat’ or meat analog?

Heard of “meat substitute”, “meat alternatives”, “mock meat”, and “imitation meat”.
What are these ‘Mock Meat’ made of ?
The introduction of texturized vegetable protein (TVP) produced using various ingredients led to the development of plant-based meat analogs. The meat analog products currently available in the market are made from plant-based ingredients like soy proteins, mycoprotein, and soy leghemoglobin. The advances in food science and manufacturing make it possible to mimic the taste, texture, look, and functionality of conventional meat-based products.
Edible meat can also be obtained by collecting cells from living animals and then proliferating them with cell engineering. This process is a part of cellular agriculture that obtains meat without going through the process of raising livestock. The invention of this novel meat without livestock was started in 2013 by Mark Post, who the first pioneer in the production of burgers in the lab.
Mosameat, Memphis Meats, Super Meat, Integriculture, Just, and others are major companies manufacturing cultured meat; they are planning to release their products from 2021.
Why there is increase demand for Meat substitute
1. More people looking for low fat and calorie foods intake
2. More people opting for vegetarian diet
3.A step towards reducing greenhouse gas emission
4. Increase awareness against animal cruelty
Types and definition of meat alternatives as a protein source
1. Conventional meat: Traditional meat from farm animals
2. Plant-based meat analog: Meat analog made of plant and fungus proteins
3. Edible insect: Insect used as food resources
4. Cultured meat: Artificial meat produced using stem cell technology
5.Modified meat: Meat from genetically modified animals
6. 3D-printed meat: Fabricated meat made of native or non-native food materials with 3D printing system
Status of mock meat in India
Mock meat is not just favored in western countries, even in India people are opting for this alternative. Jackfruit, mushroom, tofu, wheat gluten, yam are widely used to create meat analogs in India. Udaipur-based Good Dot sells more than 15,000 packets of mock meat every day. Ahimsa, another Delhi-based start-up, is making gourmet mock meat products. These range from sausages, fillets, hotdogs, drumsticks to mock mutton.

Is meat analog to the future?
Global Food Institute predicts that plant-based meats will grow to $6.5 billion by 2025. In addition to hundreds of startups, multinational giants like Tyson, which is the world’s second-largest processor of chicken, beef, and pork, have invested in plant-based meat companies.
Word of caution: Plant-based ‘meat’ may not be totally healthy
Since these meat analogs are highly processed and contain good amounts of sodium and saturated fat they may not be completely healthy. You can always have it in a moderate amount.