Male Infertility : Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Infertility is on a rise in India. Based on reports from All India Institute of Medical Sciences every year in India, over 12–18 million couples are diagnosed with infertility. Let me break two myths right away, Infertility is not a women’s problem and also it’s not an urban problem. Research says that, in Indian couples seeking treatment for infertility, problem lies with men in 23% cases and within that 23% cases, nearly 50% of infertility is due to anomalies or disorders in male reproductive organ.
Before going into the blog post in depth, let me introduce to you a wonderful product from Zenith nutrition to tackle men’s Infertility and Sexual problems. This product named Mens Vigo & Vita is a superior formulation made with extracts from ashwagandha, shwetha musli, kapikacchu,shilajith,akarakaraba, kokilaksha and trivanga bhasma. This product will do good for anyone with Erectile Dysfuncation, Premature Ejaculation, Oligospermia, Azospermia, Inferitlity, Loss of Libido and Impotency.
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is the inability to maintain penis erection during sexual activity. Erectile dysfunction happens because blood flow to penis reduces due to health problems or due to damaged nerves in the penis. Stress and emotional reasons can lead to ED. Heart disease, high blood pressure and high blood sugar can also cause ED.
Premature Ejaculation
For conception to happen, intercourse with vaginal penetration and ejaculation, both are needed. Fertility gets affected, when latter happens first. Premature ejaculation is the most common male sexual problem and affects men of all ages, especially younger men. Both psychological and biological factors have a say in premature ejaculation, but it is a treatable condition.
Oligospermia, also called oligozoospermia is low sperm count. If a man has a concentration of less than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen, then he has Oligospermia. Presence of just 5 million sperm per milliliter is called severe oligospermia and total absence of sperm in semen is called azoospermia. Oligospermia becomes a problem for couple who wishes to get pregnant, as with fewer sperms in number, the odds that one of the sperm will fertilize the woman’s egg naturally decreases. Stress, both emotional and physical, as well as insomnia, can impact the production of sperm.
Other Known causes of Male Infertility
Chromosomal or genetic causes
Undescended testes (failure of
the testes to descend at birth)
Torsion (twisting of the testis in scrotum)
Varicocele (varicose veins of the testes)
Medicines and chemicals
Radiation damage
Prostate-related problems
Absence of vas deferens
How to check Fertility in Men
Home based Sperm Check Fertility Test For Men
Home fertility tests are not just for women alone, its available for men too. Kits are available that can checks a man’s sperm count. The kit works in a way similar to female pregnancy strip test. Lines become colored based on the number of sperm found per milliliter. Since this test is easy to perform and can be done at home, it can help men to avoid the embarrassment of visiting fertility clinic (in reality such a thing should not happen, but keeping in mind the social stigma associated with it). One can order this test from amazon too.
Semen Analysis
Semen sample is collected in a specimen jar and is subjected to lab tests. Lab technician evaluate the count, shape, appearance, and mobility of the sperm. Based on outcome of this report doctors would suggest blood analysis for hormones and urine analysis for infection.
Ultrasonography is another commonly followed procedure to diagnose male-factor infertility. Scrotal and transrectal ultrasonographies help in differentiating infectious, benign, and malignant processes of the epididymis, testicle, prostate, and seminal vesicles. Ultrasonography also helps to differentiate between obstructive and nonobstructive oligo or azoospermia and may identify conditions associated with infertility including renal anomalies and testicular malignancies.
Treat Male Infertility with Zenith’s Mens Vigo & Vita
To know more about Zenith Nutrition and Products click here
Action: Vrushya (Aphrodisiac), Vajikara (Virtility)

Indication: Erectile Dysfuncation, Premature Ejaculation, Oligospermia, Azospermia, Inferitlity, Loss of Libido, Impotency
Indication: Erectile Dysfuncation, Premature Ejaculation, Oligospermia, Azospermia, Inferitlity, Loss of Libido, Impotency.
Dosage: One capsule twice a day or as directed by the physician.
Availability: One could buy this product from Zenith nutrition website or from amazon, nykaa or similar ecommerce sites
Cost: 30 Capsules costs 940 INR
Packaging: The product comes in a white color, well sealed, sturdy plastic bottle. Easy to store and carry.
Certification: GMP, FSSAI, Halal certified, Vegan certified
Warning: Consult healthcare professional prior to use if you have any other medical condition or are taking prescription drugs.
Disclosure: This is a promotional post
Disclaimer: I have done my part of research to provide my readers with most precise information. But request you to use your judgment before taking any decisions based on the information in this blog.
Really happy that you talked about this topic.. I personally know someone who is going through but not able to accept Will definitely going to share your post..
Good to know that this piece of article is of use to your friend
Very happy to know about it and thanks to you to share the informative post.
There are very less awareness present around on male hormones and fertility issues. The product details you shared here are really good and I am sure this will help many to overcome their bosy issues.
Awareness about this is important so are treatments, but in India people still think the problem of infertility is only with women. This is one thing I hope changes.
This is such not so discussed topic on Indian society , great to know that sperm counting kits are available doe home testing also.
It’s a problem which so many couples are facing but nobody wants to talk about it, thanx for sharing detailed info and spreading awareness.
That’s a great innovation by Zenith
With the alarming rate of infertility in men, these Zenith capsules are very useful. This is a piece of information worth sharing…
This seems to be useful for those fighting with infertility. Thanks for sharing it across.
Heena I love your unusual post always, ur blogs are always hatke and this might be really useful for others who are suffering
Thank you Sneha for your encouraging words
This is a very well written and informative post which has all the elements for the reader from problem, causes, diagnosis and treatment as well.
Thanks for sharing this valuable piece of information dear.
I find you always discussion something that worthy and really needed. Thanks for coming up with post like this.
I actually never knew about this before. Thank you sharing such informative post
I love how beautifully you’ve covered every point… Definitely a very informative post
I am very glad, you shared this topic here.. Very much informative and helpful to many…
It is a nice read thank you for sharing & creating awareness
This product looks promising would loveto try this.
Much needed topic to be talked about, thanks for sharing!
Acceptance and then identification of the root cause can definitely help men to tackle the issue head on. Many thanks to you for bringing up such important and sensitive topic Hena.
Very well written!! This would bring awareness amongst all
I really like your blog content the way you put up the things. Keep it up!