Coding For Kids – Why every child should learn to code?

With the advancements in technology over the years, coding is no longer just a technical skill, but it is turning into another form of literacy, a game-changer. Growing up amid digital platforms, virtual reality and interfaces, coding is a skill that can help children to navigate their journey of learning faster. Most importantly, it will help them stay abreast with the technology that is shaping the world. Coding helps kids in developing essential skills such as computational thinking and problem-solving.
Benefits of learning to Code as a child
Parents and schools all over the world are interested in teaching children to code. Though teaching children to code may not turn each of them into a computer wizard, it certainly comes with a lot of benefits.
- Coders are in high demand
Every smartphone app, website, computer program and even the microwave we use in the kitchen runs on code. As per industry reports, in about 10 years the number of employees in Information and Computer Technology sector is estimated to get doubled from 1 crore to 2 crores in India alone. By learning to code brick by brick from a young age, the learners will have a higher possibility to turn into good programmers once they attain the age of employability
2. Coding ability helps in improving problem-solving skills
Coding helps kids in brainstorming, creative thinking, and decision-making skills – all of them are components of solving a problem. Kids learn to plan their own goals and set for themselves a start and end for them. In this process, they have to spend their time brainstorming to come up with all possible potential solutions, and then determine which ones offer the best solution by applying the least time, effort and minimum negative impacts. Another aspect of problem-solving that kids learn from coding is the ability to break down the task into smaller pieces so that the task no longer appears complex to them.
3. Coding helps in developing communication skills
When kids learn to code, they are practising a new language through which they communicate their ideas with the computer. It gives kids a platform to express their thoughts and ideas clearly. Coding encourages kids to think from the perspective of others – how the designed program will help end-users, how they can access it etc. In this process, kids learn to communicate which reinforces the child’s learning and helps them to acquire additional social skills such as empathy, storytelling, and persuasion.
4. Coding teaches the valuable skill of persistence
Persistence is continuing to work towards a goal despite obstacles. Coding is one place a person will encounter hurdles now and then as any program will involve several lines of codes and if one code is wrongly written or not included, the program will not run. The ability to stay on course till the program becomes fully functional will eventually help the kid to pick the trait to handle any problem they face with calmness and to stay persistent till they overcome it. Coding helps children to develop a positive mindset: they learn that there is always a possibility to improvise, adjust as needed, and stand firm against failures.
5. Coding helps in developing higher-order thinking
Higher-order thinking (HOT) is thinking on a level that is higher than just memorizing facts. HOT requires kids to process the facts – understand them, infer from them, connect them, and apply them as a solution to the problem. Coding to create a program or a game serves as a means for developing HOT. The activities in program design and development can be used as scaffoldings in nurturing higher order thinking among kids. Performing tasks like breaking down the problem state, figuring out bugs, fixing and evaluating to develop a set of sequential instructions to make the program run triggers Higher Order Thinking.
Drawbacks of learning to Code as a child
It is always good to assess the merits and demerits of a topic. This helps in making the right choice. Let’s look at some of the negative points that some experts highlight to suggest, why it is not good for kids to learn coding at a young age.
- Kids need to be kept away from gadgets in their early years
Many child experts recommend that at an early age, every child needs nutritious food, education, a loving home, and lots of play. Unstructured play, especially, helps with the development of interpersonal bonding, fostering self-regulation, emotional coping, as well as problem-solving and planning abilities. But then there is enough scientific proof to validate that access to technology in moderation results in developing higher-order thinking and application. Moderation is the key.
2. Unrealistic expectations from parents
Coding has been able to give wings to many middle-class homes. Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet or Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft are examples of people who made it big in the world because they knew how to code. But then like learning math is an aptitude, so is coding. This is not a stream for all. Parents should not unduly pressurize their kids to ace coding.
To Code or Not to Code
Coding is a skill and for sure, learning a skill does not have any cons. Since teaching kids to code is a very lucrative business, it’s essential parents should not fall into the trap of marketing. Evaluate thoroughly what the course offers, learn from the team more about the instructors, how the course would be imparted, what kind of support kids would get to ensure kids understand the concepts clearly, verify the testimonials they share etc.
Do not opt for a course because they market it well but choose the one which will make your kids smarter. Opt for platforms that parents recommend like MindBox India.

MINDBOX is the only organization in India that has STEM accreditation for coding, 3D animation and design courses. At MindBox, they use Experiential & Project Based Learning Methodology and offer advanced tech curriculum for the students of age 6 to 18 years. You could explore for yourself as a parent how well they impart their course, book a free class now – BOOK NOW
Happy learning!