12 Benefits of eating Mango : Mango Nutrition

Mangoes are in !….. They are just not juicy and yummy, but can can help to decrease the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality, and can promote healthy complexion and hair, and increase energy. It is the national fruit of India and the Philippines, and the national tree of Bangladesh.
The risk of developing asthma is lower in people who consume beta-carotene, found in mangoes
Mangoes, help to prevent constipation because of their fiber and water content and promote healthy digestive tract
Feed your kids mangoes. They can boost memory and concentration power as they are rich in glutamine acid, an important amino acid for concentration and memory.
Mangoes contain large amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A along with 25 different kinds of carotenoids, that can strengthen immune system
The high levels of fiber, vitamin C, and pectin present in mango help to lower bad LDL cholesterol in the body
Mangoes can aid weight loss, as they are low in calories and does not contain any sodium or fat. Mangoes can be a healthy snack substitute
It is also helpful to treat heartburn due to an enzyme present in it, which soothes the stomach
Eating mangoes regularly can help to avoid night blindness, refractive error, dry eye, softening of the cornea, itching and burning eyes
Mangoes are too good for pregnant women as it contains high amounts of vitamins A, B6 and C, folic acid, iron, and potassium
Mangoes rich in carotenoids can help to protect the body from lung and oral cavity cancers
Clinical trial studies suggest that antioxidant compounds in mangoes can protect against breast and colon cancer
Gallic acid which is the most abundant polyphenol in mango have anti-inflammatory and chemopreventive effects
Treat yourself this season with Raw mango juice
Ingredients: Chopped Raw Mangoes, Honey and Water
Add in chopped pieces of green mango, water, and a teaspoon of honey into a juicer. Drinking this juice cools down body
But be watchful….
Consume mangoes in moderation because they contain fructose…..in excess it can harm your body. Do not eat raw mango without draining its sap as it can cause cause gastro- intestinal, throat, and mouth irritation. Also some dealers use calcium carbide to ripen mangoes, which can cause serious health problems. Opt for organic ones or If you have inorganic mangos, wash them properly or soak it overnight in water. Avoid mangoes if you are on Warfarin Therapy.
Enzymes present in mangoes help in breaking down protein content in the body. Enriched with fibre, the pulpy fruit aids good digestion and prevents many stomach related diseases.