Ready to try ‘imitation meat’ or meat analog?
The meat analog products currently available in the market are made from plant-based ingredients like soy proteins, mycoprotein, and soy leghemoglobin.
The meat analog products currently available in the market are made from plant-based ingredients like soy proteins, mycoprotein, and soy leghemoglobin.
6 precautions you can take to prevent contracting coronavirus infection while essential shopping
Have you ever wondered What’s actually Killing India? Every other disease name will have in its title as “Top Killer Disease” or “Top cause of Death”. This kind of intrigued me. I have made an attempt to look at top 50 causes that kills people of India based on results published in site. I have used Tableau Public to create the graphs.
No offence…I know we all are particular in keeping our house clean. But then how many times it has happened that one member falls sick and remaining all family members follow the suit...