How contagious is a single sneeze?

Before discussing how contagious a sneeze is, it is necessary to learn why do we sneeze. Sneezing also known as sternutation is a mechanism body uses to clear the nose. Sneezing forces water, mucus, and air from the nose with an incredible force.
When we breathe in foreign particles or irritants, sensors in our noses directs cilia which is a hairlike pattern in our nose, to expel the irritants. The cilia lining not just push the irritants out of our lungs, but at times pushes them down to our gut, where stomach acid eats it up. You would be fascinated to learn that for cilia to work mucous is needed and nose delivers, about a liter of mucus a day, most of which we swallow.

Why do we sneeze when we are down with cold and fever ?
It’s not only irritants like pollen or dust body expels through this mechanism, but germs too. It is under this circumstance the sneeze become dangerous too, as with each sneeze germs too will be expelled into the surrounding, and from there the germs will find a way into a completely new person.
Why Do We Sneeze 2-3 times at a go?
Mostly a sneeze never ends with one, 2-3 follows it in succession. The purpose for the body to trigger a sneeze is to get rid of germs and irritants and many a times one bout of sneezing will not get rid of all those body want to expel.
How long can the germs expelled from sneeze survive in the air?
If you thought you are safe if you were a little away from the person when he sneezed you are wrong. Researchers have found that a type of bacteria named pseudomonas aeruginosa, a species associated with hospital infections, has a half-life of 10 minutes, and can stay alive for about 45 minutes.
How far can a sneeze travel?
A sneeze can travel at a speed of 40 mph and the discharge can go up to 20 feet high. If the air conditioner circulator catches this droplet, then it is enough to send entire office on sick leave. On an average 40,000 droplets can come out when you sneeze and it can carry as much 10000 germs.
So should we suppress our sneeze?
No we should not suppress it as sneezing is part of our bodies defense mechanism and the power with which a sneeze builds up, trying to suppress it might lead to, though rare, injuries, including broken blood vessels in the eyes, weakened blood vessels in the brain, ruptured eardrums or problems with the diaphragm. The best option is to cover the sneeze with a handkerchief or at least with shoulder sleeves. Wash hands occasionally and if needed use a hospital grade mask.
Can having sex trigger sneeze?
Researchers have discovered that some people sneeze when they have sexual thoughts or when they have an orgasm. Study reveals that it’s the stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system which fires off signals in some people to not only enjoy the act of sex but to sneeze when it’s all over.