Do you know which Countries Have escaped COVID 19 infection

Based on March 30th data, Botswana, Burundi, Comoros, Malawi, Sao Tome, and Principe, Sierra Leone and South Sudan have not reported even a single Covid case. Along with these African countries, there are four more countries namely North Korea, Yemen, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan which are untouched by Covid-19 virus. The virus also remains mostly undetected in the smaller Pacific island nations such as the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.

In the month of November 2019, if somebody said in a couple of months we all would be battling a pandemic no one would have believed. Even when the reports of the Coronavirus in China came up, everyone thought it to be a Chinese affair.
There are certainly question marks regarding the true situation in certain countries like North Korea. But then it is not truly impossible also as they live in isolation from the rest of the world.
As we step into the month of April, in total 200 plus countries are grappling with COVID infection. According to worldometers, currently, there are 862,766 positive cases and we have already lost 42534 people to it across various countries. No one at this moment knows when it is going to end or how many more casualties we are going to see. There are no drugs and no vaccines. Indeed Corona has put the whole world on pause.