8 Best women wellness apps to download in 2022

Whether we admit it or not, smartphones have become an essential part of our life. So why not put it for good use than just for shopping and net surfing. As women living in India, we are rarely open about our body issues and needs with others. Due to the taboo associated with the female body, menstruation pregnancy, and menopause very few completely understand the changes that actually happen within themselves. The new-age health apps are the best option that could have happened for women in India as they help them to properly manage the monthly cycle, nutrition needs, fitness, and mental health without worrying about privacy issues.
This app will help you track the menstrual cycle, ovulation cycle, and fertility. Based on the data you feed regarding your cycle start date, end date, PMS, mood swings, etc, this app will automatically set reminders on your period dates and help determine patterns in your symptoms, and thus help you in managing your menstrual health. Forecasts on recurring symptoms, like upcoming cramps, pain, and headaches will help you in planning your days better. 15 million women are already using this app from around the world. Go ahead and download it for yourself.
Maya is another complete women’s health tracker app. Women can use Maya for tracking health, improving odds of conception, or managing the menstrual cycle. This app also provides health tips, suggests diagnostic tests, and online consultation (available in certain regions only). This app allows users to converse in their own language (currently the platform supports 15 languages including Hindi). Currently, 8 million women use this app from around the world.
3. Pregnancy tracking app: Ovia
With the help of this app it is possible to track babies groth week by week, track pregnancy milestones, log symptoms, and much more. 15 million women downloaded this app to track their pregnancy is the proof of how good this app is. They provide support on breastfeeding, nutrition and share expert advice throughout fertility, pregnancy, and parenting journey.
As women cross 40 years, it’s essential to have on your phone a menopause tracker app. The fact that there are more than 30 associated symptoms of menopause, including hot flushes, headaches, weight gain, low mood, and sleep troubles clearly identifies the need to have a proper tracker in place to manage the journey. Being well informed about the symptoms and able to benchmark symptom frequency and severity brings comfort and surety to this transition and can help women handle the days in a much better way. Live your life to the fullest during midlife, perimenopause, menopause, and beyond by staying informed.
HealthifyMe is a health and fitness app that contains in its database more than 20,000 Indian foods. This makes this app the perfect partner for any Indian woman looking to lose weight, track their food intake or stay fit. It also offers an on-demand fitness trainer, yoga instructor, and dietician. Also, get personalized health & weight loss suggestions all the time from Ria, the world’s first AI-powered nutritionist.
If you have trouble falling asleep or getting up or feel that you are not getting enough sleep, it would be good to try Sleep Cycle App. It tracks your sleep patterns and provides tips to optimize your sleep. Also, it has an alarm clock that gently wakes you up and makes you feel refreshed. You will have to place your phone near the bed, such as on a nightstand table or on the floor so that the app can record your sleep pattern clearly.
7. Medication Reminder & Pill Tracker
If you are a person who needs to take pills regularly, you know that it’s tough to ensure whether you have taken medication on time and as prescribed by the doctor. Whether it’s medications, measurements, or exercise, MyTherapy reminders help you stay in control of your health. This app will also help you to measure key health indicators like weight, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, etc which help you to manage your disease. MyTherapy is available for free and no registration is required.
8. YouCam Makeup – Selfie Editor
To look confident and beautiful is integral to a women’s life. YouCam Makeup – Selfie Editor can help you decide on what lip color, hairstyle, or even accessory would suit you before heading to the store. Now, one can be sure of going forward with a completely new look as the app help you visualize the look beforehand itself. Finally, you can always do a retouch with this app to make you look the best in the snap.
The market is continuously investing in Femtech and in the coming days we are going to see many more useful app. Hence I keep this blog open.
Newly found apps
Olay is offering an online based simple & personalized skin care regimen recommendation app. The app will analyse your skin with its ground-breaking AI technology, then discover your skin age. It will also recommend a personalised beauty routine calculated to address your skin’s specific needs.Get to know your skin with just one Selfie.