6 Tips for parents to keep their little ones safe during Corona outbreak

Kids are at home all the time. They are full of energy, and if that energy is not used in the right manner, they can become cranky. So it is essential we keep them engaged and safe.
Speak to your child about Corona Pandemic:
Make them aware of Coronavirus infection and the way in which it spreads. No need to scare them, but then inform them about things happening around the world. Explain to them the guidelines shared by the Government and WHO. Tell your child to stay at least 1 meter or 3 feet away from the person who is sneezing or coughing.
Encourage them to follow basic Hygiene:
In addition to hand washing and social distancing, encourage them to follow proper hygiene, including taking bath, cutting nails, wearing clean clothes, etc. Since it is summer, they are going to sweat more. So it is advisable they take bath twice a day.
Keep your house clean:
Safety is a two-way process. Since the kids and adults are going to be at the home the whole day, it is essential to wipe and mop the surroundings every day. Take their help in doing the cleaning activity. It is very much important to disinfect the toilets at regular intervals.
Boost their immune system:
The best way to beat any infection is by staying healthy. Include in their diet a lot of vegetables and fruits. Ensure they drink enough water. Give them lemon juice and a lot of watermelons. Keep them away from fried foods and aerated drinks as much as possible. Follow safe food preparation as it is essential to counter many foodborne diseases like diarrhea, food poisoning, vomiting, etc.

Plan indoor activities and games:
Since they cannot go out and play much, plan for indoor games and activities. Get for them DIY crafts and simple card games like UNO. Set aside some time of yours to play with them games like scrabble, othello, monopoly, etc. For small kids, you can give blocks and puzzles. You can get for them playdough or clay. Include in their daily routine some time for reading. Provide them books according to their age.
Encourage Exercising:
It is always advisable that as a parent you must encourage your children to follow a healthy routine. Motivate your child to get into exercise. Make them join an online aerobics class or a zumba class for a better result.
Stay Healthy. Stay Safe
Kids get easily bored, and they wonder why they are being kept indoor. We must tell them how dangerous the virus is and how they can help to keep it from spreading.
Very true.
This is a very helpful article for managing kids during this covid-10 lockdown. Good job!