20 science-themed jokes to make you laugh

The purpose of my blog has always been to prove the point that ‘science is not boring’. I have always shared curious and amazing facts about science with you, but never the funny ones. So I thought I must do a post compiling the funny jokes from science and technology for you all. So read along and laugh aloud.
1. What is the chemical formula of BANANA ?
BANA₂ (There are 2 NA’s right)…

2. Why Physics teacher should not be given PLAY GROUND duty

3. Question: What happens when you dilute a solution
Answer: It breaks CONCENTRATION
4. Two men walks into a bar.
First one: I will have H20
Second one: I will have H2O too
The second one dies…why ?
He ordered H2O2 or Hydrogen Peroxide
5. Cell-fie !

6. A chemist walks into a pharmacy and asks the pharmacist, “You have acetylsalicylic acid?”
“You mean aspirin?” asked the pharmacist.
“That’s it! I can never remember that word.”
7. A physicist, a biologist, and a chemist were going to the ocean for the first time. The physicist saw the ocean and was fascinated by the waves. He said he wanted to do some research on the fluid dynamics of the waves and walked into the ocean. Obviously, he was drowned and never returned.
The biologist said he wanted to do research on the flora and fauna inside the ocean and walked inside the ocean. He, too, never returned. The chemist waited for a long time and afterward, wrote the observation, “The physicist and the biologist are soluble in ocean water.”

Optimist: The GLASS is HALF FULL
Pessimist: The GLASS is HALF EMPTY
Chemist: The GLASS is COMPLETELY FULL (half with liquid and half with air)
9. How will the famous quote be reproduced in a chemistry lab “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem”
“If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the PRECIPITATE”
10. A PHOTON checks into a hotel
Manager: DO you need some help in carrying your luggage

11. Girlfriend: I need some TIME and DISTANCE
Scientist boyfriend: Is she calculating VELOCITY ?
12. Why is mushroom always invited to parties ?
Because he is Fun Guy (Fungi)
13. Teacher: What are the three kinds of blood vessels?
Student: Yes. Arteries, veins and caterpillars.
14. What’s the difference between a dog and a marine biologist?
One wags a tail and the other tags a whale.
15. Why is electricity an ideal citizen?
Because it conducts itself so well.
16. Which books are the hardest to read through?
Friction books
17. Why cannot you argue with Pi?
It’s irrational.

19. Why is the pH of YouTube very stable?

Because it constantly buffers
20. The six naturally occurring noble gases are helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe). Noble gases have eight electrons in their outermost shell, except in the case of helium, which has two.

Hope you liked these jokes and it brought a smile on your face. If you like it let me know, I can plan more science-themed jokes.